Table of Contents

Advanced select

I use the following select command to anonymize data from TSM

SP> select concat(substr(char(node_name),1,3),NODE_ID) AS NODE_NAME,NODE_ID,PLATFORM_NAME,DOMAIN_NAME,'0','0','0' from NODES 
SP> select concat(substr(char(a.node_name),1,3),a.NODE_ID) AS NODE_NAME,o.type,concat('fs',o.FILESPACE_ID) as fs,o.STGPOOL_NAME,o.NUM_FILES,o.PHYSICAL_MB,o.LOGICAL_MB,o.REPORTING_MB,o.FILESPACE_ID from occupancy o,nodes a where a.node_name=o.node_name

List tables and columns in TSM

tsm: TSM>select TABSCHEMA,TABNAME  from tables

tsm: TSM>select COLNAME from syscat.columns  where TABNAME='STGPOOLS'

On TSM 6 and higher:

Information about backup and archive sessions in a specific date

tsm: SERVER1> 
SELECT entity as "NODE", number as "SESSION", activity, -
TO_CHAR(CHAR(start_time),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as START_TIME, -
TRANSLATE('a bc:de:fg', DIGITS(end_time-start_time), '_______abcdefgh_____',' ') as "ELAPTIME (DHHMMSS)", -
CAST(bytes/1024/1024 AS DECIMAL(8,2)) as "MB", -
CAST(bytes/TIMESTAMPDIFF(2,CHAR(end_time-start_time))/1024/1024 AS DECIMAL(8,2)) AS "MB/s" -
FROM summary WHERE ( activity='ARCHIVE' OR activity='BACKUP' ) AND -
start_time>current_timestamp-24 hours AND start_time<current_timestamp
  NODE          SESSION      ACTIVITY          START_TIME        ELAPTIME (D HHMMSS)           MB          MB/s
  -----------   ----------   ---------------   ---------------   -------------------   ----------   -----------
  NODE_1        2274380      ARCHIVE           2012-09-01        0 00:00:03                 39.07         13.02
  NODE_2        2295998      ARCHIVE           2012-09-01        0 09:19:12             524510.54         15.63
  NODE_3        2307144      ARCHIVE           2012-09-01        0 00:00:01                 39.07         39.07
  NODE_4        2307605      BACKUP            2012-09-01        0 00:00:23                604.59         26.28
  NODE_5        2309700      BACKUP            2012-09-01        0 00:59:28             162067.22   
# List all Nodes, Filespaces
select NODE_NAME as "Node Name", FILESPACE_NAME as "Filespace Name", FILESPACE_ID as "Filespace ID " from filespaces order by 1,2

# List all admin schedules
select SCHEDULE_NAME as "Schedule Name",ACTIVE from admin_schedules

# Space usage by filespace by storage pool
SELECT node_name,filespace_name "Filespace Name", physical_mb,stgpool_name FROM occupancy order by 3

select node_name,sum(capacity) as "filespace capacity MB",sum(capacity*pct_util/100) as "filespace occupied MB" from adsm.filespaces \
where cast((current_timestamp-backup_end)day as decimal(18,0))<2 and filespace_type not like 'API%'  group by node_name

# Find Volumes in the LIBVOLUMES table that have been marked PRIVATE that are really SCRATCH.  The following select statement will find the volumes.
# You can then do an UPDATE LIBVOLUME library-name volume-name status=scratch for each one that is private and should not be.
select volume_name from libvolumes where status='Private' and libvolumes.volume_name not in (select volume_name from volumes) and libvolumes.volume_name not in (select volume_name from volhistory where type in ('BACKUPFULL', 'BACKUPINCR', 'DBSNAPSHOT', 'EXPORT'))

# Show tapes returned from vault that are in the library but still in VAULT status.  These can be ejected and put on the racks.  Just do a CHECKOUT
# command to remove them from the library and place them on the rack.
select volumes.volume_name, volumes.stgpool_name, drmedia.state from volumes, drmedia where volumes.volume_name in \
(select volume_name from libvolumes) and access='OFFSITE' and drmedia.volume_name=volumes.volume_name

# This one pumps out filespaces that have been missed for active nodes.  If
# the contacts field has one of the special key words in it then they are skipped.
select node_name as "Node Name", filespace_name as "File Space Name", filespace_type as "File Space Type", \
substr(cast(backup_start as char(26)),1,16) as "Last Backup Begin", substr(cast(backup_end as char(26)),1,16) \
as "Last Backup End" from filespaces where backup_start >current_timestamp - 7 days and backup_end < current_timestamp - 22 hours \
and node_name not in (select node_name from nodes where domain_name in ('PD_WKSTATION_DEFAULT') or upper(contact) in ('*SUSPENDED*', '*RETIRED*') \
or upper(contact) like '%*NO AUDIT*%') order by 3,4,1,2

#We have developed a way to look for Nodes that have not backed up in the
#last 30 days and also turn off scanning by putting key words in the contact field.
select node_name as "Node Name", substr(cast(lastacc_time as char(26)),1,16) as "Last Access" from nodes where upper(contact) not in ('*SUSPENDED*', '*RETIRED*') and upper(contact) not like '%*NO AUDIT*%' and lastacc_time < current_timestamp - 23 hours and lastacc_time >current_timestamp - 30 days and domain_name not in ('PD_WKSTATION_DEFAULT') order by 2 desc

# These are message numbers you should be concerned about.  Tapes marked
# UNAVAILABLE, drives offline, I/O errors, etc.  I could have used an "in"
# verb with a string, but at the time I did not know how to do that.
select substr(cast(date_time as char(26)),1,16) as "date time", message as "Message                                            "  from actlog where date_time >current_timestamp - 24 hours - 5 minutes and (msgno = 8359 or msgno = 8302 or msgno = 1412 or msgno = 1229 or msgno = 1402 or msgno = 1440 or msgno = 8873)

# This one tells me how many scratch tapes I have in each Library.  I do
# some really smart things in a script and send flaming emails if we are
# getting close to out of scratch tapes.
select 'Total', Library_name, count(*) as "Count of Scratch Tapes" from libvolumes where status='Scratch' group by library_name

# My favorite that saves the bacon.  Remember the backup stgpool command
# skips volumes in the primary pool that are unavailable.  I run a script to backup a storage pool and do something similar below and generate an error
# if I find a volume in the primary pool that is UNAVAILABLE.  Remember, if you get a RC=11 from this you are OK, zero is bad news.
select volume_name, stgpool_name from volumes where access in ('UNAVAILABLE','DESTROYED')

#This one is an example of how to create a command for each volume from a
#select.  You will have to edit your.output.file to trim off the title lines.
#The where clause here may not be very useful for you, but it demonstrates
#the process.  Once you have edited the file you can use a macro command to
#execute it.
select 'checkout libvolume', 'your-atl', volume_name, 'remove=yes' from volumes where access<>'READWRITE' and stgpool_name = 'your-offsite-stg-pool' and volume_name in (select volume_name from libvolumes) > your.output.file

# space usage by domain
select nodes.DOMAIN_NAME,sum(occupancy.physical_mb) as "Space used" from nodes,occupancy where nodes.NODE_NAME=occupancy.node_name group by nodes.DOMAIN_NAME order by 2 desc

DOMAIN_NAME                                   Unnamed[2]
------------------     ---------------------------------
AIX_TEST_SERVERS                                74797.36
NISA_DOM                                      6611720.74
NOVELL_CLIENTS                                  21867.84
NT_CLIENTS                                     391218.06

# total space per a domain
select sum(occupancy.physical_mb) from nodes,occupancy where DOMAIN_NAME='NISA_DOM' and nodes.NODE_NAME=occupancy.node_name


# space usage per node in a domain
select nodes.NODE_NAME,sum(occupancy.physical_mb) as "Space used" from nodes,occupancy where  \
nodes.NODE_NAME=occupancy.node_name group by nodes.NODE_NAME order by 2 desc

NODE_NAME                                     Space used
------------------     ---------------------------------
UNXR                                         56675918.13
MS                                           10198241.86

# Space used per node
select nodes.NODE_NAME,sum(occupancy.physical_mb) as "MB" from nodes,occupancy where nodes.NODE_NAME=occupancy.node_name group by nodes.NODE_NAME order by 2 desc

NODE_NAME                                     Unnamed[2]
------------------     ---------------------------------
KOSTELNJ_LAPTOP                                   359.85
ARA                                               635.25
ARA2                                              676.14
BOULETB                                           767.64
DBA3                                              905.97
DBA1                                             1257.39
UNXZ                                             4274.11

# avg compression ratio
select avg(EST_CAPACITY_MB)/100000 as "Average Compression Raito" from volumes where DEVCLASS_NAME='LTO' and EST_CAPACITY_MB != 0.0

        Average Compression Raito

# amount backed up last night
select summary.entity as "NODE NAME", nodes.domain_name as "DOMAIN", nodes.platform_name as "PLATFORM", \
cast((cast(sum(summary.bytes) as float) / 1024 / 1024) as decimal(10,2)) as MBYTES , \
count(*) as "CONECTIONS" from summary ,nodes where summary.entity=nodes.node_name and \
summary.activity='BACKUP' and start_time >current_timestamp - 1 day group by entity, domain_name, platform_name \
order by MBytes desc

NODE NAME              DOMAIN                 PLATFORM                   MBYTES      CONECTIONS
------------------     ------------------     ----------------     ------------     -----------
UNXR                   NISA_DOM               AIX                      72963.48               8
UNXP                   NISA_DOM               AIX                      34052.88               9
UNXM                   NISA_DOM               AIX                      10923.21               6
CITRIX01               NT_CLIENTS             WinNT                      734.06               2
WAG                    NT_CLIENTS             WinNT                      454.40               2

# list each node name, file space name and the sum of all the files in that filespace
# good
dsmadmc -id=query -password=query 'select NODE_NAME, FILESPACE_NAME as "Filespace                            ", sum(PHYSICAL_MB)/1024 as "GB" from OCCUPANCY group by NODE_NAME, FILESPACE_NAME order by GB desc'

select NODE_NAME, FILESPACE_NAME as "Filespace Name                       ", sum(PHYSICAL_MB)/1024 as "GB" from OCCUPANCY \
group by NODE_NAME, FILESPACE_NAME order by GB desc

# To delete old FS
dsmadmc -id=query -password=query 'select NODE_NAME, FILESPACE_NAME as "Filespace                            ", sum(PHYSICAL_MB)/1024 as "GB" from OCCUPANCY group by NODE_NAME, FILESPACE_NAME order by GB desc' | grep u0 | awk '{ print "del filespace " $1 " " $2 "\ny\n"}'

q actlog begind=-1 search='ANR1214I' | join_tsm_actlog | grep -vE "ANR2017I|----|====|Output|join_tsm_actlog|Tivoli|^ *$" | sed "s/^.*Bytes Backed Up: //g" | sed "s/, Unreadable Files.*$//g"

# find tapes to reclaim

# Time spent archiving...shouldn't be too high
select sum(end_time-start_time) as duration from summary where activity='ARCHIVE' and cast(date(current_timestamp)-date(start_time) as integer)<30

215 22:28:00.000000

# Time spent backing up...shouldn't be too high
select sum(end_time-start_time) as duration from summary where activity='BACKUP' and cast(date(current_timestamp)-date(start_time)as integer)<30

767 02:33:02.000000

# Time spent performing copystg
select sum(end_time-start_time) as duration from summary where activity='STGPOOL BACKUP' and days(current_timestamp)-days(start_time)<30

20 20:17:30.000000

# Time spent doing full db backups
select sum(end_time-start_time) as duration from summary where activity='FULL_DBBACKUP' and cast(date(current_timestamp)-date(start_time)as integer)<30

0 23:19:12.000000

# How much time is spent performing expiration
select sum(end_time-start_time) as duration from summary where activity='EXPIRATION' and cast(date(current_timestamp)-date(start_time)as integer)<30

16 02:25:03.000000

# How much time was spent migrating stuff
select sum(end_time-start_time) as duration from summary where activity='MIGRATION' and cast(date(current_timestamp)-date(start_time)as integer)<30

79 01:06:08.000000

Total time spent with the tapes mounted
select sum(end_time-start_time) as duration from summary where
activity='TAPE MOUNT' and cast(date(current_timestamp)-date(start_time)as

140 10:48:41.000000

# Total time each drive was spent mounted.....look for anomalies
select sum(end_time-start_time) as duration, drive_name as "     D R I V E N A M E   "from summary where activity='TAPE MOUNT' \
and cast(date(current_timestamp)-date(start_time)as integer)<30 group by drive_name

DURATION          D R I V E   N A M E
--------------------------------     ---------------------------
23 14:40:33.000000     DRIVE0 (/dev/rmt1)
22 23:27:46.000000     DRIVE1 (/dev/rmt2)
23 19:42:04.000000     DRIVE2 (/dev/rmt3)
23 05:26:06.000000     DRIVE3 (/dev/rmt4)
23 16:35:07.000000     DRIVE4 (/dev/rmt5)
23 02:57:05.000000     DRIVE5 (/dev/rmt6)

# Time spent reclaiming
select sum(end_time-start_time) as duration from summary where activity='RECLAMATION' and cast(date(current_timestamp)-date(start_time)as integer)<30

26 01:50:27.000000

# Time spent restoring
select sum(end_time-start_time) as duration from summary where
activity='RESTORE' and cast(date(current_timestamp)-date(start_time)as

7 20:02:45.000000

# The number of tapes in the offsite copy stgpools
select count(volume_name) as "Num Vols", stgpool_name from volumes where  \
stgpool_name in (select stgpool_name from stgpools where pooltype='COPY'  \
and devclass<>'DISK') group by stgpool_name

   Num Vols     STGPOOL_NAME
-----------     ------------------
        102     OFFSITE
         66     ONSITE_BACKUP

# Number of volumes in the primary storagepool
select count(volume_name) as "Num Vols", stgpool_name from volumes where stgpool_name in (select stgpool_name from stgpools where pooltype='PRIMARY' and devclass<>'DISK') group by stgpool_name

   Num Vols     STGPOOL_NAME
-----------     ------------------
         17     ARCHIVE
         25     BACKUP
         10     BACKUP_FC
         52     DATABASE
          3     DATABASE_ONSITE
          2     ONSITE

# Number of volumes in all STG
select count(volume_name) as "Num Vols", stgpool_name from volumes group by stgpool_name order by 1

   Num Vols     STGPOOL_NAME
-----------     ------------------
          1     DIRMCSTGPOOL
          1     DISKDATA_SMALL
          2     DISKDATA_ONSITE
          2     ONSITE
          4     DISKDATA_FC
          6     DISKDATA_ARCHIVE
          8     DISKDATA_DATABASE
         10     DATABASE_ONSITE
         11     BACKUP_FC
         11     DISKDATA
         22     ARCHIVE
         35     BACKUP
         60     DATABASE
         79     ONSITE_BACKUP
        122     OFFSITE

# Filespaces that are dormant for more than 40 days.....can be exported and removed form the database
select node_name as "     N O D E     N A M E    ", filespace_name AS " F I L E S P A C E   N A M E    ", DATE(backup_end) AS "DATE", \
cast(date(current_timestamp)-date(backup_end) as integer) as "Days", capacity pct_util from filespaces where \
cast(date(current_timestamp)-date(backup_end) as integer)>40 order by 3 asc

#List the nodes that have had no activity for 60 day and list how much
#space they are taking up......these too can be exported and removed from
#the database
select node_name as "Node", backup_mb as "Backup", backup_copy_mb as "Ba Copy", archive_mb as "Archive", archive_copy_mb as "Arch Copy", total_mb \
from auditocc where node_name in (select node_name from nodes where cast(date(current_timestamp)-date(lastacc_time)as integer)>60 ) order by TOTAL_MB desc

# How big is each backup on average each day...look for the biggest hits &
# look for better ways to perform the backup
select entity as "           NODE   NAME               ", cast(sum(bytes/1024/1024/1024/30) as decimal(8,2)) as "Daily GB" from summary \
where activity='BACKUP' and cast(date(current_timestamp)-date(start_time) as integer)<30 group by entity order by "Daily GB" desc

# How many node on each tape in a collocated storage pool(TAPEPOOL-EC) should be a very low number
select count(distinct node_name) as "Number of Nodes", volume_name from volumeusage where stgpool_name='SQLBTPRD_TAPE' group by volume_name order
by "Number of Nodes" desc

# How many tapes would it take to recover each client in a collocated
# storage pool. This can be run over all stroage pools......... Again this
# should be a low number, but usually larger than expected
select count(distinct volume_name) as "Number of Tapes", node_name from
volumeusage where stgpool_name='SQLBTPRD_TAPE' group by node_name,
stgpool_name order by "Number of Tapes" desc

How many tapes would be needed to recover all clients..per client
select count(distinct volume_name) as "Number of Tapes", node_name,
stgpool_name from volumeusage group by node_name, stgpool_name order by
"Number of Tapes" desc

#How much data is copied each day from and to each storagepool...should equal the amount backed up/migrated
select entity as " F R O M    -    T O   S T G ", cast(sum(bytes/1024/1024/30) as decimal(8,2)) as "Daily MB" from summary \
where activity='STGPOOL BACKUP' and cast(date(current_timestamp)-date(start_time)as integer)<30 group by \
entity order by "Daily MB" desc

# How many volumes in the library
select library_name, count(volume_name) as "Vols", status from libvolumes group by library_name, status

LIBRARY_NAME                  Vols     STATUS
------------------     -----------     ----------
3584ATL                        467     Private
3584ATL                         56     Scratch

# List maxscratch, number of scratch and collocation for all storage pools
select a.stgpool_name, b.maxscratch, count(a.volume_name) as "Scratch" from VOLUMES a, stgpools b where a.stgpool_name=b.stgpool_name group by \
a.stgpool_name, b.maxscratch

#Info on access, collocation, maxscr and reu for the copy stgpools
select stgpool_name, access, collocate, maxscratch, reusedelay from stgpools where pooltype='COPY'

# Info on access, collocation, maxscr and reu for the primary stgpools
select stgpool_name, access, collocate, maxscratch, reusedelay from stgpools where pooltype='PRIMARY'

Migration information. Total, average and maximum migrated
select entity, cast(sum (bytes/1024/1024/1024) as decimal (18,2)) as "SUM GB", cast(avg(bytes/1024/1024/1024) as decimal (10,2)) as "AVG GB", \
cast(max(bytes/1024/1024/1024) as decimal (12,2))as "MAX GB" from summary where activity='MIGRATION' group by entity

# Number of migpr fir disk stgpools
select stgpool_name, migprocess from stgpools where devclass='DISK'

# Number of volumes in the disk stgpools.....should be 4-6
select count(volume_name) as "Number of Volumes", stgpool_name from volumes where stgpool_name like '%DISK%' group by stgpool_name

# Name and size of the volumes in the disk stgpool....should be equal
select volume_name as "    V  O  L  U  M  E       N A M E      ", stgpool_name, est_capacity_mb from volumes where stgpool_name like 'DISK%'

# Tape info write passes, write errors, read errors

# Volumes not readwrite
select volume_name AS "          V O L U M E    N A M E           ", ACCESS from volumes where access in ('READONLY','UNAVAILABLE')

# Volumes below 50% utilized (that are full)
select count(*) as "Number of Volumes below 50pct util" from volumes where devclass_name like'%ATL%' and PCT_utilized<50 and status='FULL'

select sum(end_time-start_time) as duration from summary where activity='TAPE MOUNT' and days(current_timestamp)-days(start_time)<30

This will result in something like
39 05:48:51.000000
This is 39 days, 5 hours and 48 minutes.

# DB fragmetation


# NAS backup failed in last 24 hours, with detail on filespace
select START_TIME,END_TIME,ENTITY,SCHEDULE_NAME,ACTIVITY_DETAILS,SUCCESSFUL,COMPLETION_CODE from summary_extended where ((upper(activity) like 'NAS BACKUP%') or (upper(activity) like 'NAS SNAPMIRROR%')) and SUCCESSFUL='NO' and START_TIME>=current_timestamp-24 hours

      START_TIME: 2021-08-16 08:25:59.000000
        END_TIME: 2021-08-16 08:27:35.000000
          ENTITY: NETAPP01
ACTIVITY_DETAILS: /ora_qa_virtfs_hourly22


# size per node and per MGMT_CLASS
Protect: TSM1>SELECT a.node_name, a.class_name, CAST(FLOAT(SUM(ao.bfsize))/1024/1024/1024 as DEC(14,1)) -
as size_gb FROM  archives a, archive_objects ao WHERE a.object_id=ao.objid GROUP BY a.node_name, -
a.class_name ORDER BY a.node_name

NODE_NAME                             CLASS_NAME                           SIZE_GB
------------------------------------  --------------------------------     -----------------
APP-SRV01                             MC_ARCHIVES_YEARLY                               158.1
APP-SRV01                             DEFAULT                                            0.0
APP-SRV01                             MC_ARCHIVES_10Y                                  429.6

Mgmt Class

# Is a specific MGMT_CLASS used
Protect: TSM1> SELECT b.node_name, b.filespace_name, b.class_name, CAST(FLOAT(SUM(bk.bfsize))/1024/1024/1024 as DEC(14,1)) as size_gb, -
cont> count( bk.bfsize ) as number_of_objects FROM  backups b, backup_objects bk WHERE b.object_id=bk.objid and b.class_name='MC_ORA' GROUP BY b.node_name, b.filespace_name, b.class_name

-------------  --------------     -----------------   -----------------   -------------------
APP-ORA01      /tsmorc            MC_ORA              158.1               12600
APP-ORA02      /tsmorc            MC_ORA              208.1               12800