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dsmadmc options

Some options from TSM admin command line can be usefull to collect automically some informations.

dsmadmc -id=$DSMC_ID -pa=$DSMC_PW -dataonly=yes -commadelimited "select domain_name,class_name,destination,verexists,verde leted,retextra,retonly from bu_copygroups where set_name='ACTIVE'"

dsmadmc -id=sullivan -password=secret -outfile=save.out query node 

Windows DSMADMC enhancements

Add in dsm.opt:

SETWINDOWTITLE YES   * Add the name of server in the windows title
DSMADMCEDITHISTORY 100 * default value

Encrypt the password


It can be useful to encrypt a password instead of using clear password:

# echo  "My_passw0rd" > infile.txt
# openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -in infile.txt -out encrypted.dat -k myoptimizedpassw0rd


# openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in encrypted.dat -k myoptimizedpassw0rd

For info: “-k myoptimizedpassw0rd” can be replaced by “-pass pass:myoptimizedpassw0rd”

# TSMID : Administrator ID used for TSM requests
# Name of file containing password for above user
# This file should have permissions '400'
# Retrieve password for TSM user tsmadmin
TSMPWD=$(openssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in $PWDFILE -pass pass:$PASSPHRASE)
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        echo "Wrong password"
        exit 1

# DSMADMC : dsmadmc command

# DSMADMC : dsmadmc full command


Administrative client options can be specified with the DSMADMC command and are valid from an administrative client session only. You can type an option in uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or any combination. Uppercase letters denote the shortest acceptable abbreviation. If an option appears entirely in uppercase letters, you cannot abbreviate it.


  Specifies that a command prompt is displayed if the input is from the keyboard or if it is redirected (for example, from a file). If this option is not specified and the input is redirected, the command prompt is not written.
If the input is redirected, only the command output is displayed. If this option is specified, the command prompt and the command output are displayed.


  Allows the administrative client to recognize an alias for the HALT command as set in the ALIASHALT server option. See ALIASHALT for details. 


  Specifies that any tabular output from a server query is to be formatted as comma-separated strings rather than in readable format. This option is intended to be used primarily when redirecting the output of an SQL query (SELECT command). The comma-separated value format is a standard data format, which can be processed by many common programs, including spreadsheets, data bases, and report generators. 


  |Specifies |that Tivoli Storage Manager runs |in console mode. All server console output is echoed to your screen, excluding |items such as responses to query commands issued from the console, trace output, |or any system messages that might appear on the console. 

-DISPLaymode=LISt or TABle

  Allows you to force the QUERY output to tabular or list format regardless of the command line window column width.
If you are using the -DISPLAYMODE option and you want the output to go to a file, do not specify the -OUTFILE option. Use redirection to write to the file.


  Supress command, writes only usefull informations.


  Specifies the administrator's user ID. 


  Specifies that Tivoli Storage Manager commits commands inside a script or a macro as each command is processed. 


  Specifies that Tivoli Storage Manager runs in mount mode. All server removable-media mount messages are echoed to your screen. 


  Specifies that a newline character is written immediately after the command prompt and commands entered from the keyboard appear immediately below the prompt. If this option is not specified, commands entered from the keyboard appear immediately to the right of the prompt. 


  Specifies that you do not want Tivoli Storage Manager to request confirmation before processing commands that affect the availability of the server or data managed by the server. 


  Specifies that output from a server query is formatted one line per query. This option is available in batch mode only. 


  Specifies that output from a server query is redirected to a specified file. In batch mode, output is redirected to a file you specify and the format of the output matches the format of the output on your screen.
In interactive, console, or mount mode sessions, output displays on your screen.


  Specifies the administrator's password. 


  Specifies that Tivoli Storage Manager does not display standard output messages to your screen. However, when you use this option, certain error messages still appear. 


  Specifies the server stanza in the dsm.sys file. The client uses the server stanza to determine the server it will connect to. 


  Specifies that any tabular output from a server query is to be formatted as tab-separated strings rather than in readable format. This option is intended to be used primarily when redirecting the output of an SQL query (SELECT command). The tab-separated value format is a standard data format, which can be processed by many common programs, including spreadsheets, databases, and report generators. 


  Specifies a TCP/IP port address for a Tivoli Storage Manager server. 


  Specifies a TCP/IP server address for a Tivoli Storage Manager server. 
tsm/tsm_dsmadmc.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/01 21:25 (external edit)