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TSM Instrumentation

TSM Server Instrumentation

TSM instrumentation give statistics on the database usage. And for all threads.

Started using server command:

INSTrumentation Begin [MAXThread=nnnnn]

Stopped using server command:

INSTrumentation End 

Output generated when instrumentation is stopped

Use the command line administrative client

dsmadmc -id=id -pass=pass inst begin
dsmadmc -id=id -pass=pass inst end > filename

Use command redirection with storage agents

dsmadmc -id=id -pass=pass agentname: inst begin
dsmadmc -id=id -pass=pass agentname: inst end > filename


Administrator must have system privilege

TSM Server Instrumentation Categories

Disk Read - reading from disk
Disk Write - writing to disk
Disk Commit - fsync or other system call to ensure writes are complete
Tape Read - reading from tape
Tape Write - writing to tape
Tape Locate - locating to a tape block
Tape Commit - tape synchronization to ensure data written from device buffers to media
Tape Data Copy - copying data to tape buffers ( in memory)
Tape Misc - other tape operations (open, rewind, …)
Data Copy - copying data to various buffers (in memory)
Network Recv - receiving data on a network
Network Send - sending data on a network
Shmem Read - reading data from shared memory buffer
Shmem Write - writing data to shared memory buffer
Shmem Copy - copying data to/from shared memory segment
Namedpipe Recv - receiving data on a named pipe
Namedpipe Send - sending data on a named pipe
CRC Processing - computing or comparing CRC values
Tm Lock Wait - acquiring transaction manager lock
Acquire Latch - acquiring a database page (from disk or bufferpool)
Thread Wait - waiting on some other thread
Unknown - something not tracked above

TSM Client Instrumentation

Identifies elapsed time spent performing certain activities

Enabled using:

dsmc -testflag=instrument:detail     (command line)
testflag instrument:detail           (options file)

Output is appended to a file in the directory specified in DSM_LOG

TSM Client Instrumentation Categories

Process Dirs - scanning for files to back up
Solve Tree - determining directory structure
Compute - computing throughput, compression ratio
BeginTxn Verb - building transactions
Transaction - file open, close, other misc. operations
File I/O - file read, write
Compression - compressing, uncompressing data
Encryption - encrypting, decrypting data
CRC - computing, comparing CRC values
Delta - adaptive subfile back up processing
Data Verb - sending, receiving data to/from the server
Confirm Verb - response time during backup for server confirm verb
EndTxn Verb - server transaction commit and tape synchronization
Other - everything else
tsm/tsm_perf_tools.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/01 21:25 (external edit)