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IVM web service

IVM web service not working after upgrade VIOS (/etc/inittab)

lpmhttpd:23456789:once:/usr/ios/lpm/sbin/httpdmgr start > /dev/null 2>&1

Logs are located into /var/adm/lpm

[root@vios]/home/padmin# /usr/ios/lpm/sbin/httpdmgr status is not running.

After upgrade VIOS, old versions of Java are removed, update the PATH into /etc/environment

[root@vios]/home/padmin# export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java7/jre
[root@vios]/home/padmin# /usr/ios/lpm/gui/httpd/bin/

osgi> 2018/08/29 08:52:37.689 CONFIG eclipse.buildId=@buildId@
java.fullversion=JRE 1.6.0 IBM J9 2.4 AIX ppc-32 jvmap3260sr16fp25-20160413_299433 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)

IVM CLI examples for creating Virtual Ethernet Adapters with VLAN tagging (IEEE 802.1Q)


How do I create a virtual ethernet adapter in IVM with VLAN tagging (IEEE 802.1Q)


Find out name of the IVM ($IVM) managed system.

[padmin@IVM]/home/padmin$ lssyscfg -r sys -F name

Get the names of all lpars and lpar id ($LPAR_ID) including the IVM lpar.

[padmin@IVM]/home/padmin$ lssyscfg -r lpar -F name,lpar_id
06-9533A,1 (vio lpar)
test,2	(client lpar)
anoosh,3	(client lpar)

List attributes of virtual adapters on IVM lpar:

[padmin@IVM]/home/padmin$ lshwres -m $IVM -r virtualio --rsubtype eth --level lpar --filter lpar_ids=$LPAR_ID
[padmin@IVM]/home/padmin$ lshwres -m Server-7998-61X-SN069533A -r virtualio --rsubtype eth --level lpar --filter lpar_ids=1

(NOTE: used slot numbers and vlans for step 4)

Create a new virtual adapter with VLAN tags with the below example attributes.

slot=30 (use an unused slot_number)
ieee_virtual_eth=yes (yes=802.1q enabled, no=802.1q disabled)
port_vlan_id=40 (use a unique number not in use)
addl_vlan_ids=50, 51 (vlan tags to add)
is_trunk=yes (bridge to outside network)
[padmin@IVM]/home/padmin$ chhwres -m Server-7998-61X-SN069533A -p 06-9533A -o a -r virtualio --rsubtype eth -s 30 -a "ieee_virtual_eth=1,port_vlan_id=40,\"addl_vlan_ids=50,51\",is_trunk=1,trunk_priority=1" -d 5

To add or remove a virtual I/O adapter:

chhwres -r virtualio -m managed-system -o {a | r}
{-p partition-name | --id partition-ID}
[--rsubtype {eth | fc | scsi | serial}]
[-s virtual-slot-number] [-a "attributes"]
[-w wait-time] [-d detail-level] [--force] 

o To power on a partition where the partition is ID number is 2, you should issue the following command:

chsysstate -r lpar -o on –id 2 o To power on the partition with an ID of 2 and set the boot mode to System Management Services, you should issue the following command:

chsysstate -r lpar -o on –id 2 -b sms o To shut down the partition with an ID of 3, you should issue the following command:

chsysstate -r lpar -o shutdown –id 3 o To immediately restart the partition with an ID of 3 using the client operating system's shutdown command, you should issue the following command:

chsysstate -r lpar -o osshutdown –restart –immed –id 3

aix/vios_ivm_howto.txt · Last modified: 2021/01/01 21:21 (external edit)