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Linux diagnostic tool

SOS package is located into Redhat appstream

dnf install sos
  `sos report` and `IBM Power Systems service and productivity tools` are critical for system diagnostic and troubleshooting in Linux environments.
  For Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7, 8 and 9 users on IBM Power Servers, understanding how to install and update the `sos report` is essential.
  This document provides a comprehensive guide to effectively manage `sos report`.

Note: Collecting Vital Product Data (VPD) on IBM Power Servers running RHEL depends on the version of the`sos report`and the versions of `IBM Power Systems service and productivity tools` (e.g., lsvpd, libvpd). The `lsvpd` package includes the lsvpd, lscfg, and lsmcode commands. Together with a scanning program named `vpdupdate`, these commands compile a comprehensive hardware inventory of the system. This includes a list of all internal parts, part numbers, locations, serial numbers, feature codes (FC), Custom Card Identification Numbers (CCIN), I/O microcodes, system firmware, etc. Such detailed information is essential for remote engineers to create an action plan and dispatch field engineers for part replacement or system diagnostics.

Once completed, sosreport will generate a compressed a file under /tmp .

# sosreport
linux/linux_diagnostic_tool.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/29 11:56 by manu